Thursday, October 29, 2009

Back from New Zealand!

Don't really have alot of time to post many pictures,
But we had a great time, Kids loved it, Sue made sure there was something to do or somewhere to go each day, it was pretty cool!
Thanks to Sue for having us, poor lady come stayed with me for 3 days, and she got us 4 for a week :)

Sunday, October 18, 2009



Koby in his halloween jammies Grammie C sent.

Halloween Invitations!!!

This was the first lot, Had to make another 20.
I never want to see another Halloween Invitation in my life!!
Next year we BUY them LOL

Friday, October 9, 2009


Out here we don't really celebrate Halloween, like the USA does, people know about it and some people do many don't do anything, but this year, we are having a HALLOWEEN PARTY!!
Kiddies are so excited!!
We found a some great things while out shopping, this stash pistured we got in 2 shops in half an hour, it was all they pretty much had, but we are still hunting, and Grammie Connie, is out helping us do our USA shopping :)
She sent the kids adorable shirts, and lil Koby has his own Halloween Jammies, will up load pics soon!

Short break away :)

Kiama, Nsw

Am I bad for finding this hilarious?