Monday, February 9, 2009

Jason got inked!

YEP I did it, Drive on the wrong side of the road LOL

Interesting at time's lol
but we had no crashes!!

African lion Safari, Canada

I think when Bev and Candace see these pictures they won't be happy with me!!

Niagara Falls Canada!

OMG these were soooo not what I expected!!
I did not know you drive down the street and they were JUST THERE, I have no clue what i was expecting, but these took your breath away!!
They were awesome!!

Bev is going to kill me


My old mate Earl, What a sweetie,

Did I mention what a big talker he was? :)

Our friend we found in Michigan lol

Everyone who was here, is sure to agree this was an interesting event!!
Forget the drive by, we just wanted picture's LOL

Recent card for Tay's friend